The position grew out of a conversation a few years ago with his son and daughter-in-law during a night at the movies.
This theoretical position grew out of the discovery of uncertainty, and was not just some personal preference on what to believe.
By the time of the Notitia, comparable positions had grown to ca. 6,000, a 24-fold increase.
Within an hour the position had grown very serious indeed, so much so that we found it necessary to consider what should be done.
But the positions of the two airlines subsequently grew apart.
The position of the government was growing increasingly desperate.
Indeed, his position on man-eating sharks had grown more convincing to the scientific community with each passing year.
The French position grew worse from day to day.
Tony's position in the outfit was growing in importance.
The fact that these positions are growing together is evidenced by the Commissioner's words on biocides.