A law enforcement official said she did not pose a direct threat to the United States.
But China poses no obvious military threat to the United States at this time.
Global change poses significant social, economic, and environmental risks to the United States and the world.
Figure 12 shows the countries that possess weapons of mass destruction posing national security concerns to the United States.
Like the president, we thought those weapons posed a grave danger to the United States and the rest of the world.
This success highlights the continued need to take the fight to the enemy until they no longer pose a grave threat to the United States.
But it also said the programs did not "pose an immediate threat to the United States, to the region or to global security."
With the end of the cold war, it poses no security threat to the United States.
They have begun modernizing, but pose no real military threat to the United States and will not for many years to come.
However, the storm was not expected to pose a threat to the United States.