In the sweep Wednesday 250 police officers posed as drug buyers near elementary and junior high schools.
"Die Walkure" is first of all a domestic trauma, but one that poses near cosmic questions about free will and the responsibilities of honor.
But they posed near a red Mercury Topaz made brown under a coat of ash, upon which someone had scrawled, "Help us all."
But a little perspective is needed; Kansas City's wide receivers posed nowhere near the challenge that Denver's receivers did.
"He's a great guy," she said as she posed for family pictures near the entrance.
Bulbs were flashing; camcorders were taping; artists were posing near their work.
Two mechanics pose near the entrance end of the actual tunnel, where air was pulled into the test section through a honeycomb arrangement to smooth the flow.
That's me with Jerry Rafshoon, Carter's imagemeister, posing near the pyramids for a tourist photographer.
Burns posed them near a massive concrete bunker and frowned as he scrutinized the view on the computer screen.
Conduit cars 2 and 6 posing with their crews, local boys and a landau near North Pier.