While on an airplane once, Dean saw an advertisement in a magazine for a liquor company featuring a beautiful woman standing in water in a provocative pose holding a drink similar to the way Playboy posed models.
Other photographers in Western cultures, seeking to establish photography as a fine art medium, posed models in accord with traditional practice in other media.
Mr. Himmel quickly became a fashion photographer who didn't simply pose models as static, rarefied creatures on city streets, but made them part of the streetscape.
A photograph in a furniture trade magazine posed models as a Gen-X squire in goatee, goofy fur hat and geek glasses with his consort in front of the new store.
They pose their cars or models wearing their raincoats in front of one of the many photogenic manor houses, built of honey-hued stone, in a village like Broadway, and - bingo!
Anshutz and other artists at the Academy started to make use of the camera, posing models and students to take photos and making prints for study.
Those gorgeous color plates of weirdly posing models draped in impossibly bizarre garments were going to cost Heller a roaring fortune!
He got around this by posing models lying down and seen from above, arranged like classical dancers with gowns wafting out on the breeze.
Of course, those concerns - sitting, walking, moving, modesty - are not the concerns of those who pose models on seamless paper in a temperature-controlled studio.
She enlivened her fashion images by posing models clad in evening gowns out-of-doors, rather than inside studios.