Though Whistler had initially requested two or three sittings, Carlyle posed from 1872 into the summer of 1873.
Poses fall into three basic categories: standing, seated and reclining.
This week's photo shoot required the girls to model lingerie while posing into a giant bowl of Greek salad.
Afterward, the wedding party poses for pictures on the church steps, then crowds into stretch limousines.
It is also very common for children's yoga classes to incorporate yoga poses into games and songs that the children are already familiar with.
Learning to pose and twist his body into awkward positions while the matron supervised the sculpture.
When contact is made, the interviewer reads the questions posed on the computer screen and records the respondent's answers directly into the computer.
And the threats they pose touch deep into the nation's soul.
They are worried about such threats to public safety as the one posed by the disruption of air traffic into New York's airports.
The state police sent troopers posing as students into six rural schools in five counties starting last September.