Polankski's son Elvis, seen only in long shots in the opening and closing scenes, portrays the Cowen's son.
William McVeigh portrayed his son as a bright person who, as a boy, could never quite succeed either in school or at sports.
Kroll also portrays Dr. Black's son, who is also suffering from the aging disease.
The Picasso, executed in the summer of 1922, portrays Picasso's wife Olga and their son, Paulo.
A former top Suffolk County police official was convicted today of conspiring to portray his son as a police informer so he could avoid jail.
After announcing the president's death tonight, state television showed images that tried to portray his son as having already taken control.
Ron Harper portrays Parkison's other son, Tom.
It portrayed the lives of the ranch's owner, his son, a female ranch hand, and four teenage summer employees.
Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, in his acting debut, portrayed his son.
She portrayed Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, though eleven years younger than Olivier, who portrayed her son.