But many critics of the Los Angeles Police Department said the amateur videotape of the incident portrayed brutal behavior that was all too common.
Now it is indeed true that the film portrays coarse behavior and male violence that is informed by a patriarchal sense of being in charge, whereas a woman should know her place and must obey.
He did so, he said, because the scene would portray disruptive behavior by black people.
For the Nikkatsu adaptation, Suzuki drew upon his firsthand experience at the wartime front to portray the conditions and behavior in a more realistic light.
Hospital staff that portray understanding and helpful behavior may leave the survivor with their dignity, a sense of control, and a positive outlook on their future in spite of recent events.
These fictional characters were used to give soldiers safety briefs and instructions on expected behavior, while often portraying behavior that which was not recommended.
One method of disengagement is portraying inhumane behavior as though it has a moral purpose in order to make it socially acceptable.
News noted that Fox and Monaghan portray "combustible behavior the tune is hellbent on describing."
Where most movies portraying sociopathic behavior make some attempt at psychological explanation, "Butterfly Kiss" offers no background to Eunice's craziness.