The cast and crew was entirely made up of members of the congregation with 3 men having portrayed Christ during the production's run.
The pulpit features carved panels portraying Christ with the four Gospel writers.
Another film that portrays Christ in a modern setting is "The Judas Project."
This version portrays again Christ in the moment in which he reveals his divine nature to his disciples, but with substantial differences.
He was "the first cinema actor to portray Christ for the screen."
The play portrays Christ as a homosexual who engages in sexual behavior with his disciples.
Screen unknown Robert Wilson, who would go on to practically make a career out of playing the role, portrayed Christ.
It portrays Christ as the true interpreter of the Mosaic Law.
It's kind of abstract - it portrays Christ in the womb as well as in his mother's arms.
The painting portrays Christ at the center of the scene, standing with joined hands.