Most of her contemporaries were far more enthusiastic about her appearance than surviving portraits would suggest.
In additional to showing the person, a great portrait suggests a history, personality, mood and feeling.
The political portrait of Hispanics provided by this poll, if in many ways ambiguous, would suggest opportunities for both parties.
Her portrait suggests she is likely in the clergy as a means of social advancement, given her aristocratic manners and mispronounced French.
Unique to the West, the doctrine compounds the harsh portrait of God suggested earlier by Tertullian.
The portrait suggested an emotionally bruised man who acted alone rather than in concert with any political or terrorist group.
But the portrait of the chain presented by some customers today suggested that it had been plagued by racial problems.
The Evangelists, despite their exalted literary careers, were, after all, ordinary men, and their portraits suggest as much.
His portrait hardly suggests his early life as a slave.
This sad, scary portrait of a country in crisis suggests that much worse lies ahead.