The 1/2 through 10 values present portraits of Washington derived from paintings, engravings or sculptures made during his lifetime.
But even with a serious expression, his portrait made her breath catch and her heart flutter.
A later portrait (from around 1899) makes her look even more resolute.
Even her highly sympathetic portraits make many of them seem less striving and more party to their troubled circumstances than she realizes.
The skillfully painted portraits of the individuals make it obvious that these are real people and not types.
Yet to sketch in this family portrait makes the book sound at once broader and less chilling than it is.
The film's sharply drawn portraits of these legends makes each a symbol of his century.
His many portraits of children, which are often striking, make a larger point about the insidiousness of Communist ideology.
Another portrait by Modigliani made the evening's second-highest selling price.
This portrait makes Shakespeare look like a bohemian, an artist and not a prosperous businessman.