Old family silver, portraits and jewels were sold or pawned for the necessities of living.
These portraits were sold online from Our Lady Peace's website.
The portrait was recently sold for nineteen thousand dollars-the sort of price only a time traveller could pay now.
The portrait was likely donated or sold by Dürer to the Nuremberg city council.
The portrait was sold for almost six thousand pounds at an auction in Cirencester today.
Modigliani's portrait of Lunia Czechowska from 1918 was sold for $4.18 million.
Picasso's portrait of his son Paolo dressed as Pierrot was sold for $5.17 million.
All the portraits, all the china and the silverware, everything within the house would be sold at public auction to satisfy the debts.
About 350 pieces of painted furniture, mechanical banks and folk-art portraits were sold for a total of $525,000.
Rembrandt attended an auction at which the portrait was sold, and scholars have discovered a quick sketch he made of it.