And who are the two noble portly figures accompanying her, now grown to man's estate?
They looked with interest at the lean officer who stood beside him, almost skeletal in comparison to the Duke's portly figure.
At last he saw silhouettes ahead, raised his gun, then identified one as Doc's portly figure.
His somewhat portly figure was held rigidly upright by an air of arrogance.
A portly figure in purple scrambles into the front compartment.
He was a man of about Parry's age, with portly figure and gray hair.
Cathy gave his portly figure a look that was just barely this side of sarcastic.
The water glittered with reflected light, and Carter's heavy, portly figure was silhouetted against it.
He loves food, which is the reason for his portly figure.
The small throng of people listened intently as the portly figure spoke.