Or at least that portion of it represented by the 82d Airborne.
Total beef exports in 1988 were about $1 billion, mainly from feed lot animals, and the European portion represented only 12 percent.
This portion represents the agricultural and mineral wealth of Colombian soil.
Shaded portions represented the parts of the house that Mocquino had occupied for his headquarters.
Yet the portion of Shanghai's market open to foreigners - the international part - represents just $2 billion.
The portions colored red, yellow and blue represent the flag of the Philippines hung vertically.
The $340 million portion represented mortgage bonds that had first call on the casino assets.
But a portion represents a real cost, because airlines would undoubtedly add flights to meet some of the extra demand for reserved seats.
"A substantial portion of their commitment represents what has historically been a problem in low-income communities: credit card debt."
The tracker must be able to determine which portion of the image represents the target.