A gallon can of wood alcohol, standing on a shelf in the after-room, had lost quite a portion of its contents.
Client side caching greatly improves read performance by maintaining a portion of the database's contents on the local PC.
The lawyers refused to discuss who gave them the laptop, whether they copied any portion of its contents, or where it now might be, according to the decision.
He landed in California and retrieved the coffin from the cargo sheds and used a small portion of its contents to buy a used station wagon.
Grunting softly, the grand duke removed the pan from the stove and shoveled a portion of its contents onto a wooden platter.
Omally passed Jim the cigarette and taking the bottle drained away a large portion of its contents.
Once D. Dipsaci begin to feed on the plant, cells near the head of the nematode lose all or a portion of their contents.
The van was unlocked; he could hear the Baroness and her man unloading and carrying away a portion of its contents.
Removing the lids of this, she picked up a small portion of its contents and transferred it to her mouth.
He measured carefully as he added portions of their contents to the bowl, then mixed them with a long wooden rod.