However, a small portion of heavy users do develop cannabis dependence.
Wieden will handle the creative portion of the account and help develop the company's graphic look and provide programming ideas.
The result is that the portion in clean air develops more lift, and the disk tilts as a result.
What's important is that the American portion of the business can develop.
On August 3, the western portion developed into a low pressure area.
The lowest portion of the wood, which gets the most exposure to rain, has developed a black discoloration that is spreading upward.
The northward portion of the wave developed a circulation in the mid-levels of the atmosphere.
A large portion of the city's southern half has developed since the 1970s, containing low density housing and retail developments.
Fourth fraction: what portion of those with life develop intelligent forms?
Residential areas comprise the largest portion of the City, which is now more than 95 percent developed.