Originally owned by the Quiogue family, some portion of the land still belongs to the present-day generation.
Ms. Huang was informed that a portion of her best cornfield now belonged to someone else.
The white portion belongs to the Holy Spirit and the planets.
"Our babe will have a place in my heart, but the greater portion belongs to you alone."
"A portion of that pension belongs to the Government," a senior Pentagon official said yesterday.
A portion of the land belonged to monasteries and to the Stroganov merchants.
A portion of this estate had belonged in fief to the von Gemmingen family since 1577.
This portion belongs to Emerson, and still has old railroad ties, and would need substantial work.
Only a small portion of a portfolio generally belongs in such a high-risk investment.
A significant portion of the villages's population still belongs to the Dilazak tribe.