I asked, searching the portable oven.
The bakers' wagons and their portable ovens, were well lit and securely guarded, so there was no chance of stealing anything there.
For the latter, a trapa, a portable oven that was filled with food and buried in hot ashes, was often used.
Klevity even looked in the portable oven that sat near the two-burner stove in the kitchen.
"So who's the cookie in the shake-and-bake portable oven there?"
Instruction, ingredients and portable ovens will be supplied, along with a take-home baker's hat and apron.
(The portable ovens wouldn't dare fail, would they?)
It took two of them to carry about a table holding the severed heads of calves, goats, and sheep, along with a portable oven.
Mr. Biffi gave it 23 minutes more in the portable ovens.
The items included a camera, VCR's, an audio cassette deck, furniture, a color television and a portable electric oven.