The associated ports, known as 'limbs', were given the same privileges.
During the Roman domination it was an important commercial port, known as Costa Balenae.
Studies are being conducted as part of an extensive project conceived to facilitate freight transshipment through the port known as Portway.
They receive their meals through ports, also known as "chuck holes" or "bean slots," in the doors of their cells.
The cards are able to handle from four to 192 standard "ports," also known as analog phone lines.
The north includes a port known as Kraten.
There is also a major port, known as Puerto Sherry.
The port, known as Puerto Madero, had by 1907 become insufficient to meet growing maritime traffic.
A port to the Sega Dreamcast, known as Gens4All, is currently in development.
Khambhat - a historic and ancient port in the bay of Khambhat, known for its trade with foreign countries.