Youse are whiffing real pork lard sizzling on that grill.
Creative cooks soon discovered that a little pork lard in the corn dough made it even more flavorful, as did some chicken or cheese in the stuffing.
The ensaïmada de Mallorca is made with strong flour, water, sugar, eggs, mother dough and a kind of reduced pork lard named saïm.
But in recent months, thousands of tons of rice, corn, wheat, frozen chicken legs and pork lard have been delivered to Cuba by major American suppliers.
A dish of thick yellow noodles fried in thick black soy sauce and pork lard which has been fried until it is crispy.
They are kosher, so no pork lard is used in the baking, which will suit your religion as well.
For frying, olive oil is most commonly used, but strutto (canned pork lard) is used as well.
Typical condiment in Roman cuisine is strutto, pork lard prepared and canned each winter.
Some hawkers in Malaysia and Singapore, especially in non-halal settings, will add fried pork lard.
Warm a spoonful of pork lard or kaymak and pour over the popara.