Ukraine, the second most populous former Soviet republic after Russia, has considerable economic and political problems at home.
Yet elections this month here in Serbia, Yugoslavia's most populous republic, offered an ambiguous response to those yearnings.
They are searching for common ground with the nation's second most populous republic, which, like many other republics, is seized with secessionist fervor.
With a population of 9,322 it is the world's least populous independent republic.
But they have met resistance from Serbia, the largest and most populous republic, and the one that controls the national military.
Serbia, the most populous republic, advocates strengthening the federal Government.
Serbia, the largest and most populous republic, has long advocated strengthening the federation.
Serbia, Yugoslavia's largest, most populous republic, advocates significantly strengthening the powers of the country's central Government.
Serbia, the most populous and militarily strongest republic, has all along stood for a centralized Yugoslavia with the current form of government.
Dagestan is the most religious, populous and complex of all the north Caucasian republics.