Predicting the future of China, the world's most populous nation, 1.2 billion, has become a business these days because so much is at stake.
Its 110 million people make it Africa's most populous nation.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world.
China, already the world's most populous nation, is rapidly developing into a commercial and military power.
It will determine whether he has any claim to have changed the nature of America's influence on the world's most populous nation.
With its 163 million people, this is the world's fifth most populous nation.
Russia is also the world's eighth most populous nation with 143 million people as of 2012.
His defense chief of staff was quickly sworn in to lead Africa's most populous nation.
Taiwan is ranked the 50th most populous nation in the world.
And the world's second most populous nation is still growing too fast for its resources.