And in a country that preened itself on its populist roots, who couldn't cheer a development that divided profits more equitably?
Today the music survives far from its populist roots - largely in recordings by opera stars and prepackaged special events broadcast on public television.
Now an industry that has had profound effects on urban American culture, hip-hop has not entirely strayed from its vivid populist roots.
The aim was to stress the parliament's populist roots - to remind us that government authority is linked to the public will.
Others sought a return to the Mexican Revolution's populist roots.
Throughout his career, Mr. Pickle remained true to his rural populist roots.
It's a bias that stems from its collaborative and populist roots coupled with the fact that artists can make near endless copies of images.
Ideally, the musical would regain its populist roots.
But since Congress returned to town last month, the freshmen have occasionally stuck to their populist roots.
The other contends that Democrats need to remain true to their populist roots and not make compromises.