Amidst a severe economic crisis, the coup coalition "favored a populist democracy and economy modelled after Hugo Chávez's Venezuela."
Rather than deprecate our successes, you ought to be heralding a return of populist democracy to the marketplace.
If initiatives can work this well on the state and local level, can't we create an even more populist participatory democracy with a national initiative?
They rejected a populist democracy, in which the public would directly decide every issue, because they thought it would risk majority tyranny and demagoguery.
Or maybe it reflects what people actually want and populist democracy gives them what they want as far as punishment is concerned (look how big their prison population is).
Thus Christianity had become a crude form of populist democracy and this was made possible by its universalism.
Despite his business success, he remained loyal to the causes of populist democracy and the interests of working people.
For that matter, does the United States-a decentralized populist democracy struggling with economic decline and political gridlock-have that capacity?
These modernisations did not immediately bring about democracy, but then a populist democracy has never brought about modernisation.
In Washington, this trend is touted as a form of populist democracy, allowing the people who use the programs to be closer to those who manage them.