Westchester's homeless population, estimated at 4,500, will require a budget outlay of $54 million this year, officials say.
An aging population and rising medical costs will eventually require the nation to provide Medicare with more money or to cut benefits, or both.
Much of the growth will be the result of increased demand for healthcare services as the expanding elderly population requires more care.
Special populations often require accommodations for physical, mental or emotional differences.
In developed countries like ours, aging populations require increasing numbers of health personnel, particularly nurses.
Feeding America's huge population requires a giant food-processing industry.
By the 1960s, the school's increased population required the return of portable classrooms as plans began for more expansion.
In recent years, the population has risen rapidly and thus required the need for reliable and safe transportation.
However growing populations would require more land use, increasing food production costs and therefore decreasing profits.
They will be essential to contributing to what a local population requires from a hospital service.