Centered around the tertiary sector, the city's economy is booming due to a large population influx.
It has provided a significant increase in job opportunities and attracted a population influx.
Extent of the population influx: Mecklenburg's number of inhabitants doubled.
Only since the population influx in recent decades also inhabitants of other confessions and faiths reside in the village.
The massive population influx to Delhi, however, caused it to overload in a mere 15 years.
The first large population influx occurred during the 1850s.
Additional population influxes into the area at this time included European Jews and Belarusians.
In response to this population influx the City began a Public School System in 1888.
Major population influx only started in the 1950s, resulting in wide-scale urbanisation.
The onslaught on "vacant" land has intensified in the past two decades, the consequence of a dramatic population influx into York County.