Slightly more than half the population identify as Christian.
Around 5% of the population identified themselves as Christian without associating themselves with any particular denomination.
The population entering the voting age identifies with Democrats far more than the generation it replaced.
From 1577 to 1765 the population accepted the Pope as the religious head of the community and identified with the Roman Catholic Church.
"The only other population identified before was around a small pond."
So the major population was still excluded from participation and could not identify with the state and its authorities.
I think half the population of the metro area could still have identified her as the person who had rescued Rosa Alija.
Scientists are exploring ways to train populations to identify and respond to predators before releasing them into the wild.
The region may also include the islands of Romblon and Masbate, whose population identify as Visayan.
Under this model, more importance is placed in viewing the importance immigrant populations identify with the aspects of their own culture (Berry (1974, 1980).