The Indian population quickly took up the game and by the 1930s formed the majority of the players, with a significant European minority.
Disagreements within the congregation led to a split in 1843 when half the population led by a second minister formed a new church.
The entire population of the camp formed a circle to watch the confrontation between their leader and his burly challenger.
Many researchers have used this idea to explain why populations at higher predation risks often form larger, more compact groups.
The occurrences in these islands could therefore be due to either a tiny breeding population or vagrancy form the mainland.
These populations formed hundreds of distinct cultural and language groups.
After the war the population returned and formed Nov Dojran.
They point out, for example, that major populations considered races or subgroups within races do not necessarily form their own clusters.
The Muslim and Christian population form a minority contributing partly to the all round development of the village.
In addition, the denser populations could form and support legions of professional soldiers.