The late Woodland period was a time of apparent population dispersal, although populations do not appear to have decreased.
It is generally accepted that the founding population of Homo sapiens was small, anywhere from 700 to 10,000 individuals, and combined with the population dispersal caused by a hunter-gatherer existence, a certain amount of inbreeding would have been inevitable.
Black officials have run City Hall for decades, but with the population dispersal caused by Hurricane Katrina, white voters - especially conservatives - hold the keys to the drab 1950's building downtown.
The complexity and inter-relatedness of urban problems had been stressed, existing policies had been evaluated and a series of policy modifications had been proposed relating to the economy, housing, population dispersal, urban administration, and so on.
The deer that are more daring generally manifest a greater degree of population dispersal in the wild.
The authors concluded that the Neolithic shift to agriculture entailed major population dispersal from the Near East.
Based on various sources, population dispersal can be estimated as follows:
However, it is not clear whether these settlement changes can be characterized as simple population dispersal.
The port meshes with the concern for population dispersal and the establishment of urban centers in the southern part of the country.
Separation may be attributed to either geological processes or population dispersal.