Large populations of deer particularly can decimate forest undergrowth.
As the war outraged peasants, houses were burned and the population decimated.
Six million Poles lost their lives during World War II, and the Jewish population was decimated, reduced from 3 million to just a couple thousand.
Radoszyce was destroyed and its population decimated in the Swedish invasion of Poland (1655 - 1660).
Whichever city was attacked would be left half ruined, the population decimated.
In 1905, a population of red squirrels was added to the zoo's collection; this population grew rapidly and decimated the bird population at Duck Lake.
(The pre-European population of Native Americans, estimated at 300,000, had already been decimated, almost exclusively due to diseases carried by the Spanish settlers.)
Piers Anthony had, had decimated the population of the region.
By the end of the decade the land along the Bahr al-Arab was devastated and the population decimated.
The hereditary rulers had mostly been killed in that war, and the population decimated; the memories of that time were still strong.