Their population was expanding all the time and consuming more and more resources.
It was becoming clear that urban populations were consuming increasingly unsustainable levels of natural resources.
The population, 99 percent literate, also consumes record numbers of books and magazines.
The heart association suggests that polyunsaturates make up no more than 10 percent of calories, a level above which no population naturally consumes.
If populations are consuming less than 10%, they should not increase that level of intake.
The guidelines also recommend that, in general, these populations consume no more than 1,500 milligrams.
By the very nature of the socialist state, the German population would consume all that it produced.
In 2007, Hong Kong's population of almost 7 million consumed the following.
It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area necessary to supply the resources a human population consumes, and to assimilate associated waste.
Quality of life and environmental and economic realities dictate that even our current population of 260 million consumes too much of the earth's limited resources.