The war is not even a memory for more than half the population, born after 1975.
For the population born between the years 1900 and 2000, it is estimated that there could be 35.59 million fewer females than males.
Toronto is one of the world's most diverse cities by percentage of non-native-born residents, with about 49% of the population born outside Canada.
At 28.2% of the Basque population born outside this region, immigration is crucial to Basque demographics.
Singapore is a cosmopolitan city with 42% of its population born outside the country.
With an amazing 49% of the population born outside Canada, this is the most diverse city on the planet.
The total population born outside Puerto Rico is 322,773 (8.1%).
They rule increasingly restive populations mostly born after the rulers came to power.
A large part of population born after the World War II left the village and moved to towns and cities.
The population born over the last two decades has a low herd immunity and therefore more susceptible to the virus.