Andy Andy has been popularly recognized for his music and his commitment to the Hispanic community.
The university does not claim a national championships for this season, nor are the Panthers popularly recognized for winning that year's national championship.
Biñan City has been popularly recognized as the trading center area immediately south of Metro Manila.
Known more popularly as Poker Alice, she was a popularly recognized figure in the west for her nearly forty year long career.
Some languages may be recognized popularly as "national languages," while others may enjoy a high degree of official recognition.
She was one of the first women to achieve an academic career in philosophy and the first to be popularly and professionally recognized as an American philosopher.
Arriving within a year of his death, the 1981 recording is popularly recognized as "autumnal", a symbolic testament to Gould's career.
Art Nouveau is the most popularly recognized art movement to emerge from the period.
The village is popularly recognized for Agrigold's presence in front of it in the western side.
It is served with mini-puri shells (golgappa), which are more popularly recognized from the dish pani puri.