Nearby are other tombs (known as "Circle A"), popularly identified with Clytemnestra and Aigisthos.
Thus he has been popularly identified as the "father of modern fantasy literature", or to be precise, high fantasy.
Today Biblical scholars distinguish the three figures, but they are still popularly identified.
Popularly identified in 2004, the MSBG product segment emerged to address the increasing need of advanced voice and data services among small and medium-sized businesses.
Macedonski being popularly identified as the author of an epigram celebrating the demise of "poet X".
Early books were paper bound, but the majority was hard-bound and each later book was usually popularly identified by the color of its hard cover.
This has caused Tolkien to be popularly identified as the "father" of modern fantasy literature-or, more precisely, of high fantasy.
But it is the generalized seizures called grand mal seizures that are popularly identified with epilepsy.
It has since then been identified popularly as the Image Channel.
(Just why a black revolutionary would go to someone popularly identified with a repressive fascist regime is never explained.)