The popularity of hooked rugs swelled in the 1920's, when it was widely believed that they dated from colonial times.
Curling's recent popularity has swelled the USCA to more than 135 curling clubs and 13,000 curlers in the United States.
In the weeks prior to the release, however, the book's popularity swelled dramatically as the cover and title of the novel circulated the internet.
Since then, the group's popularity has swelled its size, with more than 100 different members cycling through over the last decade.
The popularity and demand for ragtime also boosted sale of pianos and greatly swelled the ranks of the recording industry.
It is an extraordinary fact of Indonesian political life that her popularity has only swelled since that day despite her determinedly low profile and persistent silences.
Following her first Wimbledon triumph, Bueno's popularity swelled.
Rather than decimate the independent coffee shops in Main Street America, for example, the popularity of Starbucks apparently swelled their ranks.
After his death his popularity swelled still further.
As the popularity of the cartoons swelled, Mr. Ketcham remained unaware of their impact for some time.