Lizza says that a President's popularity is always closely linked to the economy and should rebound as the job numbers improve.
Mr. Florio has repeatedly maintained that once the benefits of the $2.8 billion tax increase begin to be known, his popularity will rebound.
He added that Senator Abraham's popularity may now be rebounding.
President Bush's popularity will rebound as economic growth resumes this summer.
Both his prosperity and his popularity rebounded after the conclusion of the war.
The General's popularity soon rebounded, largely because voters tended not to associate unpopular aspects of his government's domestic policy with him and because his foreign initiatives were generally well received.
The recent polls showing that Mr. Clinton's popularity has rebounded only seemed to encourage Republicans to attack the President harder.
By the time he was re-elected President, his popularity had rebounded, and his personal following was far larger than that of his party.
Reagan's popularity had rebounded after the early 1980s recession, and he became the first incumbent president since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 to run without serious opposition in the primary.
His popularity has rebounded.