Other popular verses were of a more religious tone and celebrated the fact that England had been saved from the Guy Fawkes conspiracy.
He relied on folkloric elements and popular, traditional song-like verses.
A popular verse of the day went like this, according to the great gossip John Aubrey:
His popular verses engaged such topics as love, communal harmony, social reform, and the plight of the Kashmiris.
Although literary miscellanies would often contain critical essays and extracts of prose or drama, their main focus was popular verse, often including songs.
He has lived in Moscow since 1993 and is known as a writer and an author of numerous popular verses for children.
The text represents an early example of the popular verse that emerged from the Taiwanese literature movement in the 1970s and 80s.
He wrote books of popular verse, and much literature for children.
His popular dithyrambic verses on Slavonia are, in a way, the region's motto.
The most popular verse is the 37th from the eighth canto, which describes nymphs bathing in a river, and is noted for its beauty.