This popular small sector consists of columns with intervening cracks every 2m or so, and contains about 30 single-pitch climbs.
Marketing and business/finance were also popular sectors.
The manifesto of the party declared it as seeking 'the hegemony of the working class and popular sectors in the national liberation process'.
Martin Fierro was directed to the popular sectors of this growing market.
However, Cumbia's popularity has been declining since the success of reggaetón in early 2000s, losing part of the preferences of the popular sectors of society.
G.E. is also going to investors in the most popular sector for I.P.O.'s recently, the financial services industry.
That's because two of the most popular value-oriented sectors, financial services stocks and energy, could be hit hard in a downturn.
Introduced as a competitively priced range, it is aimed at one of the most popular sectors of the market where it has been well received.
What are the most popular sectors in each Member State (in percentages)?
They make a vital contribution both to the economy - especially its informal or popular sector - and agriculture.