Asked about that characterization, Mr. Fujimori smiled and replied evenly, "I am a leader - of the Peruvian popular masses."
Misa criolla is the name of a very popular mass composed Ariel Ramirez, and sung by Mercedes Sosa among others.
Secondly, to give real depth to this continuity, Hrushevsky stressed the role of the common people, the "popular masses" as he called them, throughout all these eras.
He argues that the traditional forms of representative government, which effectively excluded the popular masses or isolated and controlled them through local notables, is 'no longer an adequate instrument'.
He said the regime was for the first time feeling "the popular masses voicing their disagreement with the policy."
People's war and the mass line: The party must not be separate from the popular masses, either in policy or in revolutionary struggle.
Bentinck started to fear that this inaction would disaffect the popular masses and undermine support for the stadtholderate.
The popular masses must see that the enemy are withdrawing in defeat.
A talented singer and actor, he was called a Nadipisai Pulavar (acting and singing poet) by the popular masses.
The 'nerve' of the national defence was constituted by the 'popular masses'and the clergy who hated both afrancesados and liberals.