He also wrote 7 plays without music, including the popular farce Up in Mabel's Room.
A tavern filled with drinkers and onlookers watch the performance of a popular farce known as The Dirty Bride.
Such characters also occur throughout medieval literature, in popular farces both before and during Shakespeare's life, and in folklore.
Adultery itself couldn't and didn't occur in popular farce of the period.
Playing with the conventions of popular farce, Orton creates a hectic world and examines English attitudes and perceptions in the mid twentieth century.
The Bumba Meu Boi is a popular farce which takes its form as a grand musical pantomime.
Four of his plays were successfully produced on the London stage, the popular farce, Cool as a Cucumber (Lyceum 1851), being the best known.
The latter version became one of the most popular farces of antebellum minstrelsy.
Mag, or, The village gossip: a popular farce, in two acts (1850)
'The Hole in the Ground,'" said Drouet, mentioning the popular farce of the time.