Pink describes the song as a "celebration for people who feel left out from the popular crowd."
To fit in better with the popular crowd he pretended to be having trouble reading.
Once Peter's loyal, sweet best friend, she stops hanging out with him in middle school for the popular crowd.
According to Pink, the song is dedicated to those who "felt they were not a part of the popular crowd".
It will be like your high school reunion, except the popular crowd probably won't make fools of themselves this time.
Gold is getting popular again, and not just with the Armageddon-is-around-the-corner crowd.
Dorothy is a part of the popular crowd at school and wants to live the wealthy lifestyle despite her background.
And even if the kid wasn't part of the popular crowd, the copy center would no longer be a comfortable place.
Even so I mostly hang around with the popular crowd.
She starts to make friends in the popular crowd as they get a chance to know her.