Each year, popular costumes are dictated by various current events and pop culture icons.
Halloween is the most popular costume or fancy dress event of the year in western society.
The most popular costumes researched for such fancy dress are the Madonna Look, punk fashion and neon-colored clothing.
One of many popular costumes used as lingerie.
They were extremely popular costumes.
Many dancers also adopted the look simply because they liked it, and it has survived to become the most popular costume for oriental dancers across the globe.
At the time, the most popular costumes were traditional Halloween figures such as devils, ghosts, skeletons, and witches.
So many people pretend to Gaga on October 31st, its fitting that she opted for such a popular costume.
Halloween fads of recent years suggest that becoming a popular costume is a fleeting measure of infamy.
It's a popular costume for masques - all that red.