These processes are often poorly resolved or are not even represented in current models.
Discovery of Behemotops helped place desmostylians as more closely related to proboscideans than sirenians, although relationships of this group are still poorly resolved.
However, the exact position of Pennatomys was poorly resolved because of missing data.
Complex salt geometries are poorly resolved using traditional seismic reflection techniques.
Their relationship to other polychaete groups is somewhat poorly resolved.
Hematodinium is a genus that contains major pathogens of a wide variety of decapod crustaceans, although its internal taxonomy is poorly resolved.
As with most Carcharhinus species, the evolutionary relationships of the graceful shark are poorly resolved.
The technique is used mainly to enhance retention and selectivity of various solutes that would otherwise be inseparable or poorly resolved.
She felt that despite the flaws of the romance plot, the episode provided some "powerful stuff" and that Tommy's plight was a strong concept if poorly resolved.
A strict consensus tree was also calculated, but yielded poorly resolved results.