Mr. Bush has also used the veto to reject measures deemed unwise or poorly drawn - occasionally to good effect.
Both poorly drawn and badly printed, they were amateurish and puerile compared to the work of a decade before.
America has voted for change, but not for haphazard change or for poorly drawn legislation that could take a generation to undo.
Mallard seems to be conscious of the fact that he is a fictional cartoon character, and is capable of "feeling poorly drawn."
Frank describes his work as "poorly drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines."
A Multipurpose Creature' Critics call the initiative a poorly drawn law.
He said the court plan was poorly drawn in terms of keeping communities of interest together.
As poorly drawn as they are.
There were two words on the paper, written in uneven, poorly drawn capital letters.
It feels refreshing at first - it certainly is not your average animated film - but it is slow, poorly drawn, and goes nowhere.