The report also said the district's health benefits plan had been mismanaged and its purchasing process poorly coordinated.
At the time, Bolshevik units were themselves poorly coordinated.
In the rest, the information gathered is varied and poorly coordinated.
A presidential commission last year called it "fragmented, loosely managed and poorly coordinated."
But there aren't nearly enough of them, and they are poorly coordinated with other anti-drug forces.
"The attack was badly organized, poorly coordinated, and used a surprisingly small number of troops."
However, the hard times have highlighted even more the fact that the various national economic recovery plans were poorly coordinated and not effective enough.
There is rarely any attempt to take a long-term approach and the activities are poorly coordinated.
The number of organizations is large, and relations between them are poorly coordinated.
After a few minutes, he felt himself getting up and lying back against the fence, his movements poorly coordinated.