Omitting this step resulted in the inclusion of a number of distantly related and poorly aligned sequence sets that may not actually include orthologs.
Nail biting can also harm the teeth, leading to poorly aligned, weakened teeth.
The instrument had been programmed to look for surges in microvoltage, the kind you find with poorly aligned isolinear chips, but the electromagnetic burst from the lightning bolt had caused it to reset.
Whine of grav motors, minute scrape of poorly aligned rail runners.
The hyperconjugation between out-of-plane π bonds is greater because the in-plane π bonds are poorly aligned.
He observed that the tables were poorly aligned, and suggested that a few be shifted slightly.
For instance, an offset choke can be used to make a double barrelled shotgun with poorly aligned barrels hit the same spot with both barrels.
Simulator equipment factors that contribute to motion sickness are quality of motion system, quality of visual system, off-axis viewing, poorly aligned optics, flicker, and delay/mismatch between visual and motion systems.
But he said the parkland in question was too steep and poorly aligned for a court, which could have fit on his original lot.
Poorly aligned sequences were also discarded.