They give the good speller a chance to use his skill, but may depress a poor speller.
Expect lyrics about poor spellers, bad Jewish athletes and a new brain.
Woodruff, a notoriously poor speller, called it "Mallers Valley" in his journal.
Perin (1983) has recently reported that good readers who are poor spellers have just as much of a problem with phonetic segmentation as do poor readers.
His wife, a notably poor speller.
A poor speller and grammarian, he got low grades on his compositions in school.
Writers, including poor spellers, can use the predictable spellings that can be accepted as alternative spellings in dictionaries until usage determines public preference.
He's a poor speller and his back-hand is fierce, but as a driver, he's better than I am!
When taught to visualize, previously poor spellers can indeed be taught to improve.
Mr. Deneberg's research revealed that people of the time were poor spellers.