Henslow's benevolence was unbounded, as he proved by his many excellent schemes for his poor parishioners, when in after years he held the living of Hitcham.
Elizabeth Burkinshaw by will proved 1913 left money to benefit the most deserving poor parishioners, it produced c. £3 a year.
In contrast, the bachelor Edgar Tryan embraces a life of poverty through choice, so that he can relate to his poorer parishioners.
An elegant brass plaque at the east end of the Church honours the Rector for his tireless work trying to improve the social condition of his increasingly poor parishioners.
Here is a school, partly supported by subscription; and the poor parishioners have two yearly rent-charges, viz., 20s.
One rumor, never proved, was that the Reverend personally confiscated the only cows belonging to two of his poorer parishioners to pay his back salary.
While attending Sunday school, the author visited poor parishioners living in tenements.
UPA works with the priests of St. Joseph's Vicariate, Quezon City to discover how urban parishes can serve their urban poor parishioners.
In addition, the church provides an active medical, dental and ENT charitable services for its poor parishioners within the community.
But the King's almshouses are there, giving these poor parishioners at least enough for bare subsistence.