Carcasses are left to rot, while deer wounded by poor marksmen suffer lingering deaths.
He knew how poor such marksmen could be at long range.
It is a great handicap to a military career, being a poor marksman.
They possessed all the necessary skills, with one exception - they were notoriously poor marksmen.
Some few of them could shoot well, but for the most part they were poor marksmen.
"Could I not land wide of thy game, I would be a poor marksman indeed."
Luke, a poor marksman at long range, had spent five useless bullets.
But either the officers were poor marksmen or else they did not make a great effort to hit the fugitives, for not a bullet took effect.
"And he was a very poor marksman."
Killemoff, like most bad guys, also had a seemingly endless army of identical poor marksmen called Radiation Rangers.