The school is adopting a firm approach to tackle poor achievement.
The district was placed on the state's low-performing schools list in 1990 for poor academic achievement.
Data reveals that areas with the poorest achievements in education also suffer from a lack of training opportunities.
Scholastic probation is a status that can apply to students at a higher educational institution as the result of poor academic achievement.
He said that many factors outside the control of either the state or the school district accounted for poor achievement.
Low socioeconomic status is a significant predictor of dropout beyond poor academic achievement.
They maintain that a successful response must also address high unemployment, poor educational achievement and the aimlessness of young people in the inner cities.
Critics fear that schools will be unfairly judged by the poor achievements of their children.
The district has been identified as a turnaround district due to the very poor academic achievement.
This is accompanied by limited fluency and usually poor phonological achievement.