In addition project outcome correlations with project-independent variables were calculated on the pooled data.
The pooled data show that mammography screening does reduce breast cancer death by 15% for women ages 39 to 49.
Score 2.0 to 6.0 - Moderate (probability 29% based on pooled data)
Analysis of the pooled data revealed that female patients were affected approximately 4 times more often than males.
As you'll soon see, the availability of total pooled data is a major factor in the US market becoming more efficient and more responsible.
The more sophisticated the pooled data, the more sophisticated the selections.
These results are based on a fully interacted model estimated over pooled data by ownership.
The researchers send the data to the trial sponsor, who then analyzes the pooled data using statistical tests.
The gene expression means of the three individual mice were calculated and compared to pooled data in a scatter plot.
Since no significant difference is detected between two locations, we only report the result based on pooled data.